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04.03.2016 - 06.03.2016 | 6th of October | Conference

The conference will take place over 3 days, and will be divided into sections that allow focusing on the conference topics.

Naqaa Foundation for scientific Research, Technology and Development is organizing the forth International Conference:

“Nanotechnology, Biotechnology and Spectroscopy: tools of success in the coming Era”

4 - 6 March 2016 Kaoud Delta Pyramids Hotel - Giza -Egypt

The conference will take place over 3 days, and will be divided into sections that allow focusing on the conference topics.

Call for Oral and Poster Session Abstracts

The Conference will consist of invited oral presentations, oral presentations and poster presentations selected from abstracts. We are now accepting applications for oral and poster presentations.

Authors will be notified of the selection results. Submissions for presentations should include an abstract of no more than 350 words

Written in Times new roman size 12

It must Include its:

Category name


Author name




and all written in bold 14 Times new roman.

Poster instructions:

Poster must be 1m length x 1m width

On your posters, please include:


Authors – denote presenting author with *

A reception to view and discuss posters will be held during the first day of the conference.

Abstracts should support one of the topics listed below:

• Nanotechnology and its applications:

1. Medicine

2. Pharmacy

3. Dentistry

4. Biotechnology

5. Diagnosis and imaging

6. Cancer therapy

7. Microbiology

8. Water treatment

9. Agriculture, Marine sciences

10. Nanophysics

11. Nanochemistry

12. Engineering (Mechanics, Electronics, Architecture,…etc) and industry

13. Nanoinformatics

14. Nanotoxicology

15. Radiology and Radiotherapy

• Biotechnology and its applications:

15. Medicine

16. Pharmacy

17. Stem Cells trails

18. Diagnosis and imaging

19. Cancer therapy

20. Microbiology

21. Water treatment

22. Agriculture and food industry

23. Veterinary Medicine and Marine sciences

24. Bioinformatics

• Spectroscopy and its applications:

25. Medicine

26. Pharmacy

27. Dentistry

28. Biotechnology

29. Diagnosis and imaging

30. Cancer therapy

31. Microbiology

32. Water treatment

33. Agriculture, Marine sciences

34. Engineering (Mechanics, Electronics, Architecture,…etc)

35. Nanotechnology

36. Materials Science

37. industry

Deadline to send abstracts to is 31 December 2015

welcome to Nanotechnology ICNBS Egypt 2015 International conference

** Registration

Full Registration

Early Registration Fees:

from 20 July 2015 to 20 December 2015

Category / Nationality Egyptians Foreigners

Attendance 700 L.E 400 USD

Poster presenter 800 L.E 500 USD

Oral Presenter 800L.E 500USD


Late Registration Fees:

from 21 December 2015 to 20 Feb. 2016

Attendance 800 L.E 500 USD

Poster presenter 900 L.E 600 USD

Oral Presenter 900 L.E 600 USD


Nakaa Members till 31 December 2015 Registration fees: ( If you are not a member, You can still join NNN and enjoy discount ) Discount 50 EGP/ 50 USD on all categories
Category / Nationality Egyptians Foreigners

• The registration fees include;

1. open buffet breakfast, Lunches indicated in the program.

2. Participation to all scientific sessions.

3. Admission to the scientific and commercial exhibition.

4. All congress documentation (congress bag with its contents, name badge, certificate of attendance, congress book)
• Note:

1. the registration fees support attendance of the conference and scientific participation with a poster or oral presentation

2. Full papers (optioal) will be puplished in Naqaa International Journal for scientific Reseach, Technology and Development according to a written request and after peer- reviewing and acceptance

Method of Fees payment:
Fees are to be paid to:

Bank name: Faisal Islamic bank of Egypt

Bank branch: Dokkii branch

Account number:23608


Bank address: 9 Adel Rostom street from Nile street – Dokkii

you can pay the fees in any other branch but you need to provide the above bank information during payment telling the bank employee that you would like to direct the fees to the above mentioned bank details.

You will receive a payment confirmation sheet from the bank, please scan it and send it to

to confirm your registration and payment.

Or you can visit us at Naqaa premises at Faisal branch and pay the fees

5 شارع أحمد أمجد متفرع من شارع المنشية - ميدان الساعة - الطلبية - فيصل - الجيزة

Certificates and Awards
1- All participants will receive certificate of attendance.

2- They will receive free member ship in Nakaa Nanotechnology network, Nakaa Biotechnology network and Nakaa Spectroscopy network.

3- The Best oral presentation and the Best Poster will receive a certificate of recognition beside a certificate of attendance.

4- The accepted abstracts will be published for free in Nakaa web sites.

5- All accepted abstracts will be published in the conference book
Please visit conference website for more details:

Best Regards


Nakaa Nanotechnology Network NNN
Mobile:002 01115831621