COP 27 Kicks off in Sharm El-Sheikh

Representatives from 197 countries kicked off the U.N. climate summit (COP 27) in Sharm El-Sheikh on Sunday.
The summit will last between 6 to 18 November in the Red Sea resort town. The annual summit is part of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, which most countries of the world have signed to cooperate on mitigating the effects of human activities on the climate.
Every year, the conference is held on a different continent and Egypt was the only African country that offered to host the summit, according to BBC.
Egypt is spearheading the efforts of representing Africa in the transformation towards a greener future and pushing for developed nations to adhere to their promises in supporting developing countries to face the effects of climate change. Especially that most developing countries have little to no contribution to the global climate change, but are most affected with its consequences.