Bid announced for exploring and exploiting gold mines in Egypt
The Shalateen Mineral Resources Company (SMRC) announced that they will be holding an international bid round number (1) in 2023. The bid round will be concerning exploring and exploiting gold and associated minerals in a group of brownfields and old mines. The areas included in the bid round are located in the Eastern Desert, which is also where the center of the Arabian Nubian Shield is situated.
International mining companies have been invited to participate in the exploration bid round, which will be conducted under the production sharing agreement (PSA) model.
The areas available for exploration under this bid round include Fatiri, Umm Ud, Atud, Barramiya, and Hamata.
SMRC will be offering the terms and conditions for the bid round, as well as data packages for interested parties. Interested companies can access this information starting from April 10th, 2023, through SMCR's website or head office.
The closing date for submitting offers for the bid round is on August 19th, 2023, at 12 noon. SMRC encourages interested companies to participate in the bid round and take advantage of the opportunity to explore and exploit the mineral resources available in the Eastern Desert of Egypt.