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Why is Egypt ranking on investor confidence index important?

It's the first time the report has a separate ranking for emerging markets, and Egypt being on it is very significant.
© Unsplash

Kearney's FDI Confidence Index 2023 report Ranked Egypt 14th among emerging markets in terms of investor confidence.

The report, for the first time, included a ranking of emerging markets to provide business leaders with insights into the most appealing investment destinations over the next three years.

Investors choose markets for foreign direct investment (FDI) based on the transparency of official regulations, technological capabilities, tax rates, and how easy it is to pay taxes. The Egyptian government for the last few years has had investment front and center in its priorities and has been actively offering attractive incentives to attract foreign investors and increase foreign currency reserves.

One of the latest decisions was to grant investors who establish a business in Egypt a 1-year residency that is renewable.

According to the report Egypt witnessed a significant increase in FDI projects reaching a total of 148 projects in 2022.