Together with its Danish partner, Mortimer Harvey is bringing a state-of-the-art loyalty platform Loyal Solutions to Egypt, Africa and the Middle East. With over six million users active on Loyal Solutions-enabled programs worldwide, Mortimer Harvey is confident that the Region, with its massive consumer market, will also embrace this cutting-edge technology.
Loyal Solutions is the perfect platform to enable a loyalty program due mainly to the fact that it offers a Cloud-based platform that doesn’t require merchant partners to do any IT integration to participate. It is a particularly attractive feature for price-sensitive market as Egypt. All that is needed is a point-of-sale device, physical or virtual, which allows the merchant to accept payment by card, smartphone or even cash, and they are in business, with access to big data collection and consumer behaviour insights as a bonus. What could be simpler?
Currently powering loyalty programs for over 32 million merchants worldwide with a wide range of businesses such as malls, airlines, banks, media houses, soccer clubs, retailers, charities and even whole cities, Loyal Solutions has taken the future of loyalty to an entirely new level: https://www.loyalsolutions.eu/getting-started/
If you would like to discuss the immense opportunities which Loyal Solutions can offer to your company, please, contact Mortimer Harvey, karen.weick@mortimerharvey.com