Middleware Messaging Market are anticipated to reach $27.4 billion by 2013 to 2019: Shares, Strategies, Forecasts
WinterGreen Research announces that it has published a new study Mission Critical Middleware Messaging: Market Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2013 to 2019. The 2013 study has 434 pages, 144 tables and figures. Worldwide markets are poised to achieve significant growth as middleware messaging becomes the foundation for cloud computing and enterprise participation in mobile markets. Mobile device messaging and messaging for the Internet of things are driving markets.
According to Susan Eustis, lead author of the WinterGreen Research team that prepared the middleware messaging market research study, "Cloud and collaboration are leveraging messaging that supports information exchange between mobile devices. The Internet of things is adopting messaging at this time. These areas are providing significant growth for middleware messaging markets. WinterGreen Research is seeing IBM and the dominant vendor, providing reliable messaging for enterprises and tying together open systems software messaging systems with wrappers. It is even used to support exchange of information among various Microsoft Exchange email servers because of the tremendous reliability provided."
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Mission critical messaging middleware from IBM is the base for software systems integration projects used to implement smart phone apps, mobile applications for the web, cloud computing, and enterprise collaboration suites. IBM WebSphere MQ is the IT industry defacto standard for mission critical information messaging. The IBM WebSphere MQ product continues to completely dominate the enterprise middleware messaging market.
IBM WebSphere MQ is used in the front end distributed systems to interconnect Java messaging when once and only once mission critical capability is needed. It is used on the back end mainframe systems to connect the mainframe to various databases and to distributed systems. IBM WebSphere MQ is a key component used to manage quantum increases in the quantity of data being generated.
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Table of Contents
Mission Critical Messaging Middleware Executive Summary
IBM Decoupled Messaging is Mission Critical
Superior Application Middleware Delivers Enterprise Agility
Mission Critical Messaging Market Shares
Mission Critical Messaging Market Forecasts
1. Mission Critical Messaging Middleware Market Definition
1.1 Private Cloud Computing Model
1.1.1 IBM WebSphere SOA Open Systems Cloud Foundation
1.1.2 IBM SOA Foundation
1.2 Mission Critical Messaging Products
1.2.1 Mission Critical Middleware Messaging
1.3 Mission Critical Messaging As A Base For Services Oriented Architecture (SOA)
1.4 Mission Critical Messaging As A Base For Secure Application Integration
1.4.1 IBM WebSphere MQ
1.5 OASIS Secure, Reliable Transaction Web Services Messaging Architecture
1.5.1 Reliable Message-Based Web Services Communication
1.6 Mission Critical Middleware Messaging Open Connectivity
1.6.1 Messaging Solutions
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