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Analyzing the Worldwide Market for Global Rubber Gloves Market Report: 2016 Edition

The report provides a basic overview of the "Global Rubber Gloves Market Report: 2016" including definitions, classifications, Growth, Trends.
MarketsandMarkets™ | 22.08.2016

Global Rubber Gloves Market Report: 2016 Edition Size and Share Published in 2016-06-13 Available for US$ 800 at


Rubber gloves
are common household items that offer many uses. They are inexpensive to purchase and are used for personal care, cleaning, pets, first aid and more. Rubber gloves are made of various types of rubber and are used for several purposes. Rubber gloves cover a wide range of applications from medical gloves to utility gloves. They are also used in food service industry. Many countries have implemented laws regarding the compulsory usage of gloves. Therefore, rubber gloves are being increasingly used in both professional as well as household chores.

The global rubber gloves market faces limited competition with small number of producers. The industry leaders dominate the rubber gloves market through their economies of scale, wide distribution of networks and efficiency along with product modernism. Although the industry has maintained its growth momentum, the major bottlenecks includes underutilization resulting from overcapacity, hike in natural gas tariffs, entry barriers and sudden exchange rate fluctuations.

The factors driving growth of the market includes increasing incidences of pandemics and viral outbreaks, improving revenue from weakening of Malaysian Ringgit, low raw material and manufacturing costs, growth of electronic manufacturing market, rising healthcare expenditure and ageing population. Some of the noteworthy trends and developments of this industry includes ongoing demand shift from latex to nitrile gloves, improving product mix of companies, rising demand from emerging economies, tightening of healthcare regulations and shifting bargaining power to customers.

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The report “Global Rubber Gloves Market” analyzes the development of this market, with focus on Malaysia’s rubber gloves industry. The major trends, growth drivers as well as issues being faced by the industry are discussed in detail in this report. The four major players in the industry, Top Glove, Kossan, Supermax and Hartalega, are being profiled along with their key financials and strategies for growth. The report contains a comprehensive analysis of the global rubber gloves industry along with the study of regional markets.

By combining SPSS Inc.’s data integration and analysis capabilities with our relevant findings, we have predicted the future growth of the industry. We employed various significant variables that have an impact on this industry and created regression models with SPSS Base to determine the future direction of the industry. Before deploying the regression model, the relationship between several independent or predictor variables and the dependent variable was analyzed using standard SPSS output, including charts, tables and tests.

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Table of Content

1. Introduction

1.1 Types of Rubber Gloves

1.2 Gloves Applications

1.3 Gloves Supply Chain

2. Rubber Market Analysis

2.1 Global Rubber Market

2.1.1 Global Rubber Production Volume

2.1.2 Global Rubber Production Volume by Type

2.1.3 Global Rubber Consumption Volume

2.1.4 Global Rubber Consumption Volume by Type

2.1.5 Global Natural Rubber Consumption by Region

2.1.6 Global Synthetic Rubber Consumption by Region

2.2 Malaysia’s Rubber Market Analysis

2.2.1 Malaysia’s Rubber Consumption Volume by Type

2.2.2 Malaysia’s Rubber Consumption by Product

2.2.3 Malaysia’s Natural Rubber Production & Consumption

2.2.4 Malaysia’s Natural Rubber Export by Country

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