SR9011 powder

SR9011 powder
Name: SR9011 powder
CAS: 1379686-29-9
Molecular Formula:C23H31ClN4O3S
Molecular Weight: 479.03
Melt Point: 242-246℃
Storage Temp:4°C for 1 year
Appearance: white to light yellow Powder
SR9011 powder is a trifunctional methacrylate monomer that provides exceptional adhesion to metal substrates. Recommended for use in peroxide cured coatings, sealants, and PCV-based plastisols. Performance properties include: good adhesion, good chemical resistance, good hardness, good heat resistance and high abrasion resistance.
SR9011 powder VS SR9009 powder
The difference between SR9009 and other diet pills is in its chemistry. SR9011 powder is not an appetite suppressant-as many weight-loss drugs are-and directly works by increasing the metabolic rate of muscle. Your metabolism speeds up and slows down naturally during the day, meaning that sometimes food is used for energy and sometimes it’s stored as fat. By re-synching a dysfunctional metabolic clock, SR9011 powder ensures that food and excess fat are used as energy.
SR9009 and SR9011 powder are attractive as performance-enhancing substances due to their REV-ERB agonist effects and thus circadian rhythm modulation activity. Although no pharmaceutical preparations are available yet, illicit use of SR9009 and SR9011 powder for doping purposes can be anticipated, especially since SR9009 is marketed in illicit products. Therefore, the aim was to identify potential diagnostic metabolites via in vitro metabolic studies to ensure effective (doping) control. The presence of SR9009 could be demonstrated in a black market product purchased over the Internet. Via human liver microsomal metabolic assays, eight metabolites were detected for SR9009 and fourteen metabolites for SR9011 powder by liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS). Structure elucidation was performed for all metabolites by LC-HRMS product ion scans in both positive and negative ionization mode. Retrospective data analysis was applied to 1511 doping control samples previously analyzed by a full-scan LC-HRMS screening method to verify the presence of SR9009, SR9011 powder and their metabolites. So far, the presence of neither the parent compound nor the metabolites could be detected in routine urine samples. However, to further discourage use of these potentially harmful compounds, incorporation of SR9009 and SR9011 powder into screening methods is highly recommended.
SR9011 powder is a potent and specific synthetic REV-ERB agonist that binds to REV ERB α with an EC50 ~790 nM and REV-ERB-β with EC50 ~560 nM. It also has good in vivo plasma/brain exposure. The nuclear receptors REV-ERB-α and REV-ERB-β play an integral role in regulating the expression of core clock proteins, driving rhythms in activity and metabolism. Administration of SR9011 powder alters circadian behavior and the circadian pattern of core clock gene expression in the hypothalami of mice.
The circadian expression pattern of an array of metabolic genes in the liver, skeletal muscle and adipose tissue was also altered, resulting in increased energy expenditure. Treatment of diet induced obese mice with SR9011 powder decreased obesity by reducing fat mass and markedly improved dyslipidaemia and hyperglycaemia. These results indicate that synthetic REV-ERB ligands that pharmacologically target the circadian rhythm may be beneficial in the treatment of sleep disorders as well as metabolic diseases.
A new compound called SR9011 powder increases metabolism, fat burning, and muscle growth in the lab.Scientists at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) have successfully tested a drug, called SR9011 powder,in mice that kickstarts metabolism and results in increased muscle development.Essentially, it’s an exercise regime in a pill.
SR9011 powder alters the metabolic profile of skeletal muscle in a manner similar to the changes observed in animals that are endurance trained. Basically, the drug sends a signal to the muscle to tell it to modify its metabolism.
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