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Egypt's licensed vehicles rise to 7 million in 2013: CAPMAS

Nearly 10 percent rise in vehicles nationwide last year, with passenger cars ahead in terms of number.
03.06.14 | Source: Ahram Online

The number of licensed vehicles on Egypt's roads rose 9.8 percent year-on-year in 2013 to record 7 million nationwide, the state's statistical body CAPMAS reported on Sunday.

The total number of licensed vehicles reached 6.37 million by the end of 2012.

According to CAPMAS, Cairo comes in first place among governorates in terms of the number of vehicles (2.07 million), followed by Giza (84,786) and then Alexandria (63,761).

Passenger cars represented 54.5 percent of the total number of vehicles to record 3.83 million, which varied between private, taxis and cars that belong to diplomatic authorities.

The report added that licensed buses represented 1.7 percent (12,265) of total vehicles, while trucks depicted 14 percent with 98,551.