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Egypt's market inches up on Egyptian, Arab buying

Egyptian investors were net buyers to the tune of LE34 million and Arab investors to the tune of LE10 million.
19.11.15 | Source: Ahram Online

Egypt's market rebounded on Wednesday, following three sessions of losses, on Egyptian and Arab buying.

Benchmark index, EGX30, inched up 0.1 percent to 6,413 points and daily stock turnover was LE432.8 million.

Market bellwether, Commercial International Bank (CIB), fell 1.47 percent to LE42.85 per share.

Real estate stocks continued to rebound with Talaat Moustafa Group (TMG) holding rising 2 percent to LE6.13 per share and Palm Hills for Development (PHD) increasing 1.55 percent to LE2.01 per share.

Six of October for Development and Investment Company (SODIC) also gained 1.99 percent to LE7.76 per share.