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Government presents plans to create competitive investment in Egypt’s electricity market

Smart meters reduced water consumption by 40% and electricity consumption by 26% in Madinaty: Afify.
10.05.16 | Source: Daily News Egypt

The first session of the third annual energy conference titled “Energy and sustainable development” and held under auspices of Business News Egypt has addressed the government’s plan to create a competitive electricity market and set up management rules as well as liberalise energy prices.

The session also discussed the projects contracted by the Ministry of Electricity to secure Egypt’s energy needs, and the state’s procedures for retrofitting electricity grids. The participants also reviewed the government’s efforts to find new financing sources, with the tentative plan to turn to the Egyptian Exchange to list several companies for initial public offering (IPO).

The session was led by Sabah Mashaly, the Ministry of Electricity’s first undersecretary for development, who said that the ministry has added 6,882 MW to the national grid through the construction of several power plants and has issued the Electricity Law No. 87 of 2015, as well as the feed-in- tariff law.