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New archaeological finds helping Egypt's image, tourism sector

"We're hoping to announce many discoveries as we go on." said Minister of Tourism, Yehia Rashed.
26.04.17 | Source: business Insider

A series of major discoveries of ancient relics in Egypt is boosting the country's image and reviving the interest of foreign travelers, its tourism minister said on Tuesday.

The largest Arab country's tourism industry, a crucial source of hard currency, was wrecked by years of political turmoil after the 2011 popular uprising, and an increase in deadly Islamist violence continues to deter visitors.

But Tourism Minister Yehia Rashed told Reuters the picture was brightening thanks to a number of significant archaeological finds in Egypt including the unearthing this month of the tomb of a nobleman from more than 3,000 years ago.

"It has improved [our] image, improved the curiosity, you know the culture business is helping out the overview of Egypt," Rashed said in an interview in Dubai.

"We're hoping to announce many discoveries as we go on."

The latest Islamic State militant attack - bombings at two Christian Coptic churches in Egypt - killed 45 people earlier this month but Rashed said, "What [has] happened in Egypt is no different to what happened in London downtown, what happened in Paris downtown, these things happen.