Egypt wins 3 seats in International Council for Small Business elections
Egypt won three seats in the International Council of Small Business' board of directors elections held in the Argentinean capital Buenos Aires.
Ahmed Othman won the first vice president seat along with the membership of the executive office, while Amr Abu Al Azm won the vice president for micro finance seat, and Ahmed Shalabi won the vice president for special projects seat. The election also resulted in the winning of new members from Finland, the USA, Indonesia, #China and Argentina.
According to Othman, the elections showed the world's appreciation of Egypt's efforts in the field of entrepreneurship, small and micro projects, in light of the development initiatives launched by the political leadership of the country last year with the aim to achieve sustainable development.
He asserted that the International Council for Small Business has agreed to hold the next board meeting in #Egypt by next November, and also approved the establishment of the world's first university to graduate entrepreneurs in Egyp by 2020, and the second university will be established in #SouthKorea by 2024.