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Vodafone officially applies for new frequencies

The frequencies already obtained are sufficient for the current 4G services, however, the new frequencies are for 2018,2019.
06.12.17 | Source: Daily News Egypt

Ayman Essam, head of corporate government relations at Vodafone Egypt, said that his company has made an official request to the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA) to obtain additional frequencies.

“The frequencies we have already obtained are sufficient for the current generation of 4G services, however, we will need new frequencies for the next two years, 2018 and 2019, given the expected increase in the number of 4G users. They will also be necessary to provide new applications for users,” Essam added.

Essam added that his company made a request to understand the new available bandwidth at the moment as well as the price of new frequencies and the conditions to obtain them to determine the size of frequencies needed by the company, which is based on the bandwidth type.

Essam stressed that Vodfaone does not mind paying the value of the new frequencies in dollars, if that is one of the conditions to obtain them.