Roche signs MoU with AUC to support the development of the public healthcare sector in Egypt
Roche, the leading Swiss pharmaceutical company, and The American University in Cairo (AUC) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding to undertake a common vision to support the development of the healthcare sector and the standard of care offered to Egyptian patients through empowering the Egyptian patients’ organizations.
The MoU focuses on three key areas: external education through patient association groups (PAGs), research and development, as well as internal capacity building.
“Our partnership with AUC fully aligns with our vision of providing better outcomes for more Egyptian patients faster,” said Mohamed Swilam, General Manager, Roche Egypt. “Partnering with patients to further understand their everyday lives is essential to develop the right patient outcomes and deliver on them with less cost to society,” said Swilam. “Through our collaboration with AUC and by working closely together with the patient community we can make an even greater difference for patients by moving toward truly personalized healthcare.”
“The MoU with Roche supports our shared vision of developing the Egyptian healthcare system and ensuring that involved stakeholders are well equipped and empowered to make better healthcare decisions through education,” said AUC Provost Ehab Abdel-Rahman.
“At AUC, our primary goal is to achieve academic excellence and access the highest levels of proficiency to enable all our students to meet the challenges ahead. Our partnership with Roche provides a unique opportunity to advance the healthcare sector in Egypt using our respective expertise and skills for the benefit of the community.”
The three-year MoU includes a range of Egyptian healthcare sector initiatives that leverage the core competent ices of both organizations. Roche will support the capacity building of patient association groups (PAGs) from different disease areas by sponsoring curriculums created by AUC to help upscale their capabilities. Roche will also consult with the Public Policy and Research HUBs in AUC to support the PAGs in building advocacy in a specific disease area.
In addition, the MOU also provides an opportunity for Roche to partner with AUC on research projects that fall within the company’s areas of interest, while AUC will develop a capability building program for the development of Roche employees and will set criteria to choose students to benefit from the support offered by Roche.