CAPMAS: 17.1% Increase in Amount of Bird & Poultry Meat
Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics issued a press release "Annual Bulletin of Livestock Statistics "and it's most important.
Indicators are as follows:
-Total number of livestock and animal
(cow - buffalo -Sheep - goat - camel) reached 7.5million2021versus7.0 million in 2020, an increase of by 7.3%.
- Total number of slaughtered livestock reached 4.2million heads in2021, versus
3.9 million heads in 2020, an increase of by 8.5%.
The amount of meat resulting from slaughtered livestock reached 726thousand tons in 2021,
compared to672thousand tonsin 2020, an increase by 8.0%.
-the estimated weight of domestic production of raw milk, reached 6.2
million tons in 2021, versus 5.6
million tons in 2020, an increase by 10.5%.
-Amount of birds & poultry meat reached
2.5milliontons (net- weight) in 2021, compared to 2.2milliontons
(net -weight) in 2020, an increase of by17.1%.
- Amount of eggs reached 16.4billion in 2021 versus 15.1billioneggs compared to 2020, an increase by8.7%.
- Amount of honey production reached
- 4165 tons in 2021, versus 4567 ton in 2020, a decrease of 8.8%.