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Egyptian citrus exports increased by 21% this year

Climatic conditions in competitor countries not only caused their poor performance in Egypt's favor but also a sharp increase in their imports.
17.08.23 | Source: fresh plaza

Official Egyptian export records reveal a 21% increase in the volume of citrus fruit exported this season compared to last. From September 2022 to June 2023, Egypt exported 1,623,955 tonnes, all varieties combined, at a value of 976,556,475 USD. Oranges accounted for the bulk of citrus exports, with 1,361,192 tonnes, up 22% from last season. To comment on these figures, we spoke to Eslam Gelila, CEO of exporter Gelila.

Gelila said: "Egyptian citrus fruits were in high demand last season, amid a worldwide shortage of citrus due to unfavorable weather conditions, drought, or floods affecting our competition in Spain, South Africa, and Morocco. In this context, Egypt stood out for its abundant, high-quality production. The success of the agricultural operations was in tandem with significant progress in packaging quality, logistics, and the modernization of packing houses. All these natural factors and the performance of producers and exporters enabled Egypt to achieve an all-time high season, both in terms of volumes and revenues."

Climatic conditions in competitor countries not only caused their poor performance in Egypt's favor but also a sharp increase in their imports of Egyptian citrus. Spanish imports of Egyptian oranges, for example, have risen from 25 tonnes last season to almost 90,000 tonnes this season.