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Farmers syndicate expects 25% hike in agriculture crops prices

Farmers Syndicate Head Hussein Abdel-Rahman has expected a 25 percent increase in the prices of summer agriculture crops, including fruits and vegs.
27.06.24 | Source: Ahram Online

Multiple fertilizer plants have suspended operations due to the shortage of natural gas supplies as the Egyptian government is prioritizing the use of natural gas for power generation amid increased electricity consumption driven by soaring temperatures.

In media remarks on Tuesday evening, Abdel-Rahman indicated that the crisis had begun even before the suspension of the fertilizer plants as some farmers have not received subsidized fertilizers from the Ministry of Agricultural and Land Reclamation.

He added that the crisis is compounded by the rising prices of fertilizers in the market and, as a result, this will impact the crops currently being planted.

He clarified that the crops that would be most affected are tomatoes, yellow corn, grains, rice and other important crops.

Moreover, Abdel-Rahman reported a delay in the government's distribution of subsidized fertilizers, while the prices of unsubsidized fertilizers in the free market have risen from EGP 5,000 to EGP 20,000 per tonne.

He called upon the agriculture ministry to expedite the distribution of subsidized fertilizers to farmers, while the government to find a quick solution for the fertilizer factories, advocating for reliance on solar and wind energy.