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President Sisi approves insurance policy against divorce risks in Egypt

The Official Gazette published Sisi’s ratification of the law in its issue 27 on July 10.
18.07.24 | Source: Egypt Independent

The insurance policy against divorce risks has returned to the forefront again coinciding with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s ratification of Law #155 of 2024, regarding the policy’s approval.

What is a divorce risk insurance policy?

House of Representatives member Amal Salama revealed the details of the divorce risk insurance policy in Egypt, which aims to provide a decent life for women after divorce.

There are many women who do not work and do not have a fixed income, which leads to complications especially if they have children.

She noted that after divorce, arrangements were done somewhat inappropriately in the past.

Salama explained that this policy is compulsory and aims to protect women after divorce, and secure her financially until she receives all her dues from the ex-husband – especially since there are cases that take can many years in courts.

The divorce risk insurance policy has no specified amount, she noted, as it is agreed upon between the spouses upon contract and the husband pays a nominal sum monthly, with the lowest value at LE75 per month.

Salama said that there are conditions for receiving a divorce risk document, which are “that the divorce has occurred three times, that is, by an irrevocable divorce, and that the marriage has been standing for three years.”

She added that issuing the policy does not apply to cases that do not meet the conditions.

This policy is not unfair to men, she assured, explaining the goal is to provide solid insurance for women until they receive alimony.