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Infograph: Egypt exports growth in 2023

This is especially after the announcement of the new government's programme, which included raising exports to $130 billion until FY2026/2027.
29.08.24 | Source: Ahram Online

According to data from Trade Map, the highest of Egypt’s exports to Arab countries was to Saudi Arabia at a value of approximately $2.677 billion in 2023, up from 2022 when it totalled around $2.515 billion.

The UAE ranked second, with exports recording around $2.213 billion in 2023, up from $1.955 billion in 2022.

Then comes Libya, which marked $1.824 billion worth of exports in 2023, up from $1.214 billion in 2022.

The fourth place went to Sudan, which recorded $984.449 million in 2023, a small increase from 2022 when it recorded $954.268 million.

Algeria came in fifth place, to which Egypt exported at a value of $850.336 million in 2023, up from $718.030 million in 2022.