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Orange Digital Centers for Women: A Success Story

Since its launch in 2017, in partnership with the Childhood and Development Association in Asyut, the initiative has expanded significantly.
22.10.24 | Source: Egypt Today

For seven consecutive years, Orange Egypt has remained committed to empowering women across the country through its corporate social responsibility initiatives, with Orange "Women Digital Centers" playing a pivotal role in realizing this vision by expanding their reach across multiple governorates. These centers have empowered thousands of women by enhancing their digital skills, improving their employment prospects, and providing the tools needed to start their own businesses, ultimately leading to greater financial independence and personal empowerment for many women across Egypt.


Since its launch in 2017, in partnership with the Childhood and Development Association in Asyut, the initiative has expanded significantly, growing by 2024 to cover six governorates, with the number of centers increasing from 10 to 16, and two more centers set to open in Aswan before the year's end. This ambitious expansion aligns with Orange Egypt's ongoing efforts to elevate women's roles in society and enable them to play a more active part in economic development.