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Egypt Advances El-Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant with Parliamentary Approval

The agreement secures a government export loan from Moscow to support the construction of Egypt’s first nuclear power plant, the El-Dabaa facility.
29.01.25 | Source: Egypt Today

The Egyptian House of Representatives has approved the Energy and Environment Committee's report on Presidential Decree No. 515 of 2024, which ratifies a protocol amending the government financing agreement between Egypt and Russia. The agreement secures a government export loan from Moscow to support the construction of Egypt’s first nuclear power plant, the El-Dabaa facility.

The decree was reviewed by a joint committee that included members of the Energy and Environment Committee, as well as representatives from the Planning and Budget, Economic Affairs, and Foreign Relations Committees. During three sessions, the committee examined the decree, its explanatory memorandum, and feedback from government officials before recommending approval.

This parliamentary approval is a key milestone for the El-Dabaa nuclear project. The amendments to the financing agreement are aimed at aligning the loan's terms with the project's implementation schedule, ensuring smooth progress in its construction.

Located in the Matrouh governorate in northwestern Egypt, the 4.8 GW El-Dabaa plant is being developed by Russia’s state-owned nuclear energy corporation Rosatom in partnership with Egypt’s Nuclear Power Plants Authority (NPPA). Expected to be fully operational by 2030, the plant will supply approximately 10% of Egypt’s total energy needs, generating up to 37 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually. Rosatom, which was contracted in 2015, is responsible for constructing the plant and providing nuclearfuel.