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Egyptian expertise at the heart of Apacheʼs sustainable growth strategy

Apache has been a committed partner to Egypt and Egyptians for more than 30 years.
29.01.25 | Source: energy connects

In an exclusive interview with EGYPES News, Greg McDaniel, Vice President Apache Egypt Assets and Country Manager at Apache, highlights the company's commitment to Egypt and the region, emphasising its focus on sustainable energy solutions and innovative approaches to meet the growing energy demands.

  1. How does Apache’s experience in Egypt influence its broader strategy across Africa and the East Med?

Apache has been a committed partner to Egypt and Egyptians for more than 30 years, and we continue to see tremendous opportunities here. Our focus today remains in Egypt, where new technical and commercial possibilities have emerged.

We commend Egypt’s Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, H.E. Karim Badawi, for his vision to modernise Egypt’s oil and gas industry.  Modernisation can open numerous opportunities as it drives increased investment and production in the country. We recently reached an agreement to increase the contractual price for incremental natural gas production in the country, making gas exploration and development more economically competitive with oil development. The modernisation efforts and the new agreement will benefit the Egyptian people and the region over the next few years.

  1. What opportunities do you see for Apache in participating in cross-border energy infrastructure or gas trade in the region?

Apache hopes to make an impactful contribution to Egyptian gas production in the future. This will provide the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, under the direction of H.E. Karim Badawi, greater flexibility to develop supply models for the benefit of the Egyptian people and the wider region.

  1. How does Apache approach sustainability and innovation in regions like Africa, where energy access is critical?

Apache is committed to responsibly producing oil and natural gas. We set sustainability goals that are intentionally challenging and focused on immediate actions so that we can drive near-term and impactful results.

In Egypt, we increasingly generate our own power in the field – a majority of that is centralised gas generation that is cleaner with lower emissions than previously used fuels. Sometimes however, the distances and remoteness of operations mean we do rely on diesel, which allows us to get production online quickly, particularly for remote discoveries.

  1. What will Apache present at EGYPES 2025, and how does the Show reflect your priorities for the region?

Apache looks forward to welcoming visitors at booth 3A50. The company will feature its expansive portfolio in Egypt, ambitious ESG goals and operational achievements. Notable highlights include:

  • Expanded operations across the Western Desert, including an increased focus on the exploration and production of natural gas.

  • Apache’s landmark modernisation agreement with the Ministry of Petroleum and the Egyptian General Petroleum Company has enabled significant investment in key growth areas that were previously not economically competitive.

  • Celebrating more than 20 years of Apache-sponsored Springboard Girls Schools, founded by the company in 2004 with more than 200 schools built across rural Egypt.