Displaying 1-10 of 50 results.
supply, installing & maintenance
04.11.15 | American Chamber Of Commerce in Egypt
Envelopes will be opened on the 25th of November.
12.11.15 | Information and Decision Support Center
supply, delivery, unloading and carriage, installation, commissioning and operating instruction orientation - server, storage, computers ...
14.07.16 | Egypt Business Directory
(RFQ) for repair and maintenance services for the Xerox photocopiers in 2017-2018
26.07.16 | Egypt Business Directory
furniture, telecommunication, consumables, copiers, computers, software and more
18.08.16 | Egypt Business Directory
To supply, operate, install and guarantee technical equipment and spare parts (Communication and Information Technology)
02.02.17 | Egypt Business Directory
Supply and installation of surveillance cameras
02.02.17 | Egypt Business Directory
DWS: For a range of input methods, different time scales, 7 years of historical data, with capability to analyse and report
23.03.17 | Central Bank of Egypt
Supply of (a) computers accessories (keyboard & laser mouse), (b) 1,600 electronic scales, (c) thermal paper, (d) 1,500 barcode printers (e) switches
04.07.17 | Egypt Business Directory
Supply, commissioning & guarantee of computers & auxiliary equipment for an Institute in 4 lots. Pre bid meeting is set for 1/28/2018.
23.01.18 | American Chamber Of Commerce in Egypt