Marketing-Börse PLUS - Fachbeiträge zu Marketing und Digitalisierung
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27.05.2012 - 28.05.2012 | Cairo

Join hundreds of other senior-level marketers for an oasis of fresh thinking and inspiration across a wide range of exciting subjects with Nexus.

The Egyptian Marketing Summit is THE place to generate the FRESH ideas your brands need to survive - especially in these turbulent times.

Join hundreds of other senior-level marketers for an oasis of fresh thinking and inspiration across a wide range of exciting, timely, and relevant subjects - including Innovation, Advertising, Communications Strategy, New Media, Insights, Leadership, Creativity, Consumer/Customer Behavior, Trends, and more.

Benefits of attending

• Discover Marketing 3.0: Profitability, Returnability and Sustainability
• Learn the human side of Marketing 3.0
• Build sustainable vision to overcome your competitors
• Improve your capacity to deal with major business challenges and opportunities in turbulent times
• Take the lead to initiate innovative thinking and creative marketing
• Apply effective product differentiation and brand building
• Experience direct and sustainable results from the very beginning!

Who should I attend?

This event is not only designed for commercial Heads of Marketing, Marketing Managers and Directors, but CEO’s, Managing Directors, General Managers, Consultants and Line Managers who hold a responsibility for the communications strategies of respective organisations. Marketing practitioners from public spheres including universities, and government institutions will also gain a huge sum of knowledge and practical tools from the speaker’s new, yet unpublished ideas.


1. Philip Kotler:
Philip Kotler is widely-acknowledged as the inventor of modern marketing. However, while Kotler has moved the marketing agenda on to reflect the emergence of the internet and growing customer power, many business leaders trained in his thinking have not kept up with his re-invention of the discipline. “There are still too many CEOs who identify marketing with selling and advertising. But marketing has evolved…” he said recently.

2. Ramon Vullings:
Ramon Vullings is a skilled action-advisor & facilitator for innovation processes, a passionate international public speaker and Master of Interaction.
He gets very enthusiastic about making ideas happen, new business models and concept enrichment, being ideaDJ and increasing organisation’s innovative capacity.
Ramon is author of the management book ‘Creativity Today’ which provides insights and tools for a creative attitude.

3. Peter Fisk:
Peter Fisk is an inspirational business author, consultant and entrepreneur. He also spent many years working with the likes of British Airways and Coca Cola, Marks & Spencer and Microsoft, Virgin and Vodafone. He is described by Business Strategy Review as “one of the best new business thinkers.”
His bestselling Marketing Genius is currently being translated into 25 languages.

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