Don't miss the most important trade fairs and conference in Egypt.
Startup Weekend - Giza
Startup Weekend is one of the leading catalysts for startup creation and entrepreneur education in the world.
07.03.2013 | Giza | Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
MECS 2013
The Middle East Coatings Show will take place from the 26th till the 28th of February 2013
26.02.2013 | Cairo | dmg events
The Employer's 7th Employment Fair 2013
The Employer's 7th employment fair is finally back, taking place at Downtown Katameya on the 22nd - 23rd of February 2013.
22.02.2013 | 5th Settlement, New Cairo | The Employer
Metal and Steel 2013
The Leading International Steel and Metallurgy Show for the Middle East & Africa will take place from Feb 21 - 23, 2013.
21.02.2013 | Cairo | Arabian German for Exhibitions & Publishing Ltd (AGEX)
Cement & Concrete 2013
The International Exhibition for Cement, Concrete and their Supporting Industries will take place on the 21st - 23rd of February 2013.
21.02.2013 | Cairo | Arabian German for Exhibitions & Publishing Ltd (AGEX)
Egypt Job Fair 2013
The Egypt Job Fair by Employer Magazine will take place from the 20th till the 23rd of February 2013.
20.02.2013 | Nasr City, Cairo | Employer Magazine
2nd EGY Science Festival 2013
Egy Science Festival is a four day annual festival organized by Nabd and will take place from February 14 - 17, 2013.
14.02.2013 | Cairo-Alex Desert Rd - Giza | Nile University
Site Executive Summit 2013
Site welcomes all Site members and industry professionals to Cairo, Egypt, for the Site Executive Summit 2013.
11.02.2013 | Zamalek, Cairo | Site Global
Transport Infrastructure 2013
Transport Infrastructure is Egypt’s leading summit for addressing the transportation development needs.
28.01.2013 | Heliopolis, Cairo | IQPC - International Quality & Productivity Centre
Digital Marketing Masterclass with David Meerman Scott
For the first time in Egypt, get to meet David Meerman Scott in the Digital Marketing Masterclass.
15.01.2013 | Cairo | Think Marketing Magazine
ICMTD 2012
The International Conference on Mathematics, Trends and Development is organized by the Egyptian Mathematical Society.
27.12.2012 | Cairo | Azhar University
eTourism Egypt
The International Organization for eTourism Industry's 5th Annual International Conference will take place from the 15th - 16th of December 2012.
15.12.2012 | Giza | IOETI - International Organization for eTourism Industry
Refinery and Petrochemical Egypt 2012
Driving Egypt's refinery and petrochemical expansion through implementing latest technology innovations.
09.12.2012 | Cairo | IQPC - International Quality & Productivity Centre
Click Egypt 2012
The Online and Digital Marketing Summit discusses the next step to capitalising on your digital marketing campaigns.
18.11.2012 | Cairo | IQPC - International Quality & Productivity Centre
Paper MiddleEast 2012
PaperME offers its exhibitors the chance to meet with regional traders and manufacturers who consider PaperME as a "must-attend event".
08.11.2012 | Cairo, Egypt | Nile Trade Fairs
WaterNa 2012
Conference and Exhibition which will focus on the efficient conservation, provision and management of water
04.11.2012 | Cairo | IQPC - International Quality & Productivity Centre
Woodshow 2012
Cairo WoodShow is set to explore the country's and the sub-region's best display of wood products, import capabilities and manufacturing potential.
18.10.2012 | Cairo | Strategic Marketing & Exhibitions
EgyCoat 2012
The 4th International Exhibition for Coatings & Chemicals will take place in Cairo from the 18th till the 21st of October 2012.
18.10.2012 | Cairo | International Fairs Group (IFG)
ICET 2012
International Conference on Engineering and Technology 2012 is organized by and held at the German University in Cairo (GUC).
10.10.2012 | New Cairo | GUC - German University in Cairo
5th Annual Egypt Trade & Export Finance Conference
Expert speakers will offer their unique insights into their operational challenges and where priorities now stand regarding funding shortages.
10.10.2012 | Cairo | Exporta Group