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احمد جابر
شركة نظافة | كايرو ستار | نظافة لا مثيل لها
تتميز شركة كايرو ستار بالعمالة المدربة على نظافة الواجهات الزجاجية والحوائط وتنظيف المفروشات بجميع اشكالها .

my is name profzam and am traditional healer and spells caster i work on different problem like lost lovers/financial problems/business no profit

Ahmed Kazamel
Gharbia EG
Manufacturer and importer of glass.

Mahmoud Mostafa Kamal Esmat
10th of ramadan EG
We produce the float figured glass with thicknesses from 2.7mm to 8mm.

Ehab Adly
Heliopolis, Cairo EG
Corpotrade covers the architectural, automotive, decorative and solar glass sectors.

Ahmed Aly Elsayed
Industiral Zone B2, 10th of Ramadan EG
The Company has grown and developed to become an established and recognized company in all sectors and building industry especially glass works.

Michael Fouad
11241 EG
Egyptian Stained Glass established in 1996 prides itself on providing the very best in commissioned stained glass.

Mohamed Mostafa Ebraheem Fayad
El Amerya, Alexandria EG
We are a fast growing company in the field of glass manufacturing (Automotive).

Manufacturer of Silica Powder, quartz, Talc power, Kaolin,Feldspar,GCC and Microsilica.

Manufacturer of container glass for food and beverage.

Archit Ajmera
Raghav Minerals
Ajmer IN
Raghav Minerals is a leading supplier / exporter of Feldspar powder and other processed minerals and has its manufacturing base setup in India itself.

Klaus Dösinger
Wiesbaden DE
RHI Glas GmbH works in refractories production, service and engineering services.

For trading and distribution all kinds of antiques, crystals, table ware, framed paintings, table lamb and porcelain.

Hani Shoukri Abdel Missih Mikhail
Moharam Bey, Alexandria EG
Established by 2001, working in the field of Egyptian hand crafts specially the starting silver jewelry and mouth blown glass .

Wagdy William Abd Alla
10th of Ramadan City Sharqia EG
In 1995 was to lay the foundation stone of United Mirrors and Glass Works Factory.


abrehame arega

Tonny Mugabi
UEL Resins and Fibre Glass Uganda LTD

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upvc windows

yoyo yoyoyo

mukial zhang

Mohamed salem

Wood Glass Group Pty Ltd
Wood Glass Group Pty Ltd