Egypt Economy partially open

Egypt announced it will slowly and gradually start lifting restrictions that were imposed due to the Coronavirus pandemic in order to kickstart the economy.
The decision comes at a time when Coronavirus cases and casualities are on the rise, however, with a big percentage of the population under poverty line, Egypt doesn't have many options but to open relying on using precautionary measures.
Many workers will be going back to work, especially in the state sector and extending the hours of shops and trade centers. Hotels are also to start opening up to domestic tourists, remaining at a 25% capacity during May and increaasing to 50% in June.
The re-opening of the economy has to be slow and gradual as medical experts warn of any speedy opening that could lead to a Covid disaster in a country with a health system without the resources to deal with it.
In March, Egypt went into lockdown shutting schools, airports, workplaces as well religious institutions. In Ramadan a 12 hour curfew was imposed.