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41 key facts about B2B email marketing

For Egyptian marketers looking to optimize their strategies, B2B email marketing continues to be a dominant force in the digital landscape.
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For Egyptian marketers looking to optimize their strategies, B2B email marketing continues to be a dominant force in the digital landscape. As businesses increasingly invest in this channel, the potential for success grows with it. To help you stay ahead, here are some compelling statistics from Influencer Marketing Hub that highlight the current trends and future outlook of B2B email marketing.

  1. 4.6 Billion Email Users by 2025: The global number of email users is projected to reach 4.6 billion by 2025, underscoring the vast potential audience for B2B email campaigns.

  2. Over 370 Billion B2B Emails Sent Daily by 2025: By 2025, the daily volume of B2B marketing emails is expected to surpass 370 billion, reflecting the channel's massive reach and importance.

  3. Email Marketing Revenue Nears $14 Billion by 2025: The revenue generated from email marketing is forecasted to approach $13.69 billion by 2025, showcasing its profitability as a marketing tool.

  4. Consumers Manage Multiple Email Accounts: On average, a typical user manages about 1.86 email accounts, often dividing them for personal and professional use.

  5. 86% of Consumers Prefer Email Communications from Brands: A large majority of consumers favor receiving updates and communications from brands via email, making it a preferred channel for customer engagement.

  6. Frequent Email Checks by Users: About 39% of people check their emails between three to five times daily, indicating frequent engagement opportunities for marketers.

  7. Email Dominates as the Primary Communication Channel: Over 65% of marketers rely on email as their main channel for engaging with customers and prospects.

  8. Email Marketing Deemed Most Effective by 50% of U.S. B2B Marketers: Half of B2B marketers in the U.S. consider email marketing the most effective tool in their marketing arsenal.

  9. Email Deliverability Rate Close to 85%: Approximately 85% of marketing emails reach their intended recipients, while the remainder may be filtered as spam.

  10. Average Open Rate Across Industries at 35%: The average email open rate hovers around 35%, offering a benchmark for marketers to measure their campaign effectiveness.

  11. Higher Open Rates for Image-Based Emails: Emails featuring images tend to have an open rate exceeding 43%, outperforming text-only emails.

  12. Certain Words Boost Open Rates: Including words like "now" and "invitation" in email subject lines can significantly enhance open rates.

  13. In-House Marketing Teams in Most B2B Companies: In the U.S., 56% of B2B companies have dedicated in-house marketing teams managing their email campaigns.

  14. AI Utilization in Email Drafting: Around 45% of B2B marketers leverage artificial intelligence to draft and proofread their email communications.

  15. Popularity of Email Newsletters: Email newsletters remain a popular method for content distribution, used by 73% of marketers.

  16. Email as a Top Channel for Content Distribution: Over 40% of B2B marketers consider email the most effective channel for distributing content to their audience.

  17. Email Marketing Ads Highly Influential: Email marketing ads rank as the second most effective advertising method, following video and TV ads.

  18. Email Marketing for Lead Generation: Nearly a third (32%) of B2B marketers report that email marketing is highly effective for generating leads.

  19. Usage of Affiliate Emails: About 31% of B2B marketers employ affiliate emails to deliver targeted content, broadening their reach and impact.

  20. Lack of Documented Content Strategies: Surprisingly, only 40% of B2B marketers have a documented content marketing strategy, highlighting a potential area for growth and improvement.

These facts, sourced from Influencer Marketing Hub, underline the critical role of email marketing in the B2B sector and offer valuable insights for Egyptian marketers looking to enhance their strategies and achieve greater success in their campaigns.

A version of this article was published in Marketing Boerse.