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Are influencers good brand ambassadors?

The recommendations are perceived as more authentic and credible than traditional advertising. But not everything works.
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Using influencers increases credibility and trust. They usually have a large and committed fan base. The recommendations are perceived as more authentic and credible than traditional advertising. But not everything works.

These are the opportunities:

  1. Expanded reach and targeting: Influencers often have large and engaged fan bases that companies may struggle to reach. By collaborating, brands can speak directly and personally to their target audiences.
  2. Credibility and trust: Influencers typically have a loyal following that trusts them. Their recommendations can be perceived as more authentic and credible than traditional advertising.
  3. Targeted content: Influencers know their community well and can tailor content that resonates. This can increase advertising effectiveness and lead to higher engagement rates.

And these are the risks:

  1. Risks to brand image: An influencer's actions and statements can also have a negative impact on the brand image, especially if they are controversial or inconsistent with the brand's values.
  2. Difficulty measuring ROI: The direct impact of influencer marketing on sales can be difficult to measure, which can make budget justification difficult.
  3. Oversaturation and blindness: As more and more companies rely on influencer marketing, this can lead to oversaturation, which could reduce the effectiveness of campaigns.

Germans view influencers more critically

Influencer marketing shows varying success rates around the world, and in Germany it faces particular challenges. While in countries such as India, China and Saudi Arabia high percentages of the population follow influencers and trust their recommendations, acceptance in Germany remains cautious. A recent study by EY shows that only a small part of the German population, around 20% of men and 33% of women, actively follow influencers. This is in stark contrast to India, where an impressive 81% of respondents follow influencers.

Micro-influencers are more engaged

In e-commerce, a significant shift is taking place in influencer marketing. Influencer Marketing Hub's "Influencer Marketing Benchmark Report 2024" predicts an increase in global sales to $24 billion. Particularly noteworthy is the role of artificial intelligence (AI), which helps in selecting suitable influencers for campaigns. A key trend is the increased use of nano and micro influencers. These influencers, who maintain a closer relationship with their followers, often achieve significantly higher engagement rates. Studies show that micro influencers have up to 60% higher interaction rates.

Publicis buys influencer database

Publicis Groupe has announced the acquisition of Influential, a leading influencer marketing company. This acquisition aims to authentically connect brands with their audiences by developing and optimizing creator-driven digital campaigns. Influential leverages a proprietary, AI-powered platform with over 100 billion data points and a network of 3.5 million creators. The technology enables brands to find high-quality digital creators, develop creative strategies and optimize digital media to drive real results.

What Börlind and Emma mattresses do

For Börlind, a natural cosmetics manufacturer from Calw, working with influencers is an integral part of their marketing mix. Börlind places great value on authenticity and transparency: influencers who advertise for the company should be real fans of the brand and not randomly accept every advertising request.

Emma The Sleep Company was founded in Frankfurt in 2013 and achieved sales of almost one billion in 2023. A large part of this success is due to the clever use of influencers. They advertise on social media, especially on Instagram, and create an emotional connection to the products, which has a positive effect on sales figures.

From cruise influencer to travel agent

Fabian Betzendahl, an avid cruise fan and well-known influencer, recently opened a travel agency in Bielefeld. His passion for cruises began in 2008 with a trip on the Aida Diva, which fascinated him so much that he spent a total of 1,000 days on various cruise ships. Through his travels, he gained extensive knowledge about ships and shipping companies. In 2013, he started his first Facebook account to share his experiences, and in 2016 he started creating professional videos for his YouTube channel. After completing his marketing studies in 2018, his hobby turned into a professional activity and he worked for online travel agencies. Now he has opened his own travel agency.