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WCO settles dispute between ECA, German agents in Egypt

Source: one of the German companies imports cars at €33,000 and sells them in the Egypt at over EGP 1.250m, while the real price should be ca. €64,000
23.06.15 | Source: Daily News Egypt

The World Customs Organization (WCO) settled the ongoing dispute between the customs authority and the German automotive agencies, whereby the WCO supported the Egyptian Customs Authority’s (ECA) stance regarding indicative prices of cars.

An official source at the customs authority told Daily News Egypt that the ECA used the WCO as a neutral entity to settle the dispute between the authority and the German agents regarding indicative prices.

He also explained that the WCO supported the ECA’s decision regarding the non-eligibility of car companies to benefit from the discount granted by the parent company and deduct it from the price of the car. This discount is the difference between the international prices of the car and prices according to the invoices submitted to the customs authority. This support indicates the validity of the indicative prices of cars set by the customs authority.