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Egyptian artichokes sell well in the absence of produce from Puglia

The Egyptian produce played a key role when produce from Puglia was lacking. Egypt is improving year after year when it comes to quality.
07.02.24 | Source: Fresh Plaza

"If we exclude around ten days of confusion at the start of the new year, we can say that the artichoke campaign in Puglia has been great for both our suppliers and our wholesale company. It started in mid/late September with satisfactory prices caused by the low volumes," reports Giuseppe Ventura from La Zucca Rossa, located at the Naples fresh produce market (CAAN) and specializing in the sale of pumpkins and artichokes.

"The Apulian origin contributes that something extra and, so far, the produce has always recorded a positive performance. Very few artichokes from Puglia were available in week 5 due to the drop in temperatures, so we also sold produce from Egypt and a few batches from Tunisia to make up for it. The former are appreciated by various clients, while the latter are popular mostly in Rome."