Beyond Rules of Engagement
How Can Organizational Leaders Build a Culture that Supports High Engagement?
Dale Carnegie's Golden Book
Dale Carnegie's Secrets of Success - right to your computer.
Listening Skills For Boosting Communication
While listening is only one side of a conversation, it is usually the neglected side.
Guide To Higher Education in Egypt 2007
The idea of establishing a modern Egyptian university appeared with the maturity of cultural and political awareness.
Enhancing Agricultural Education in Egypt Through Competitive Mechanism
Agricultural education in Egypt, both in secondary and higher education levels, is facing major challenges.
The Egyptian Educational System
Most of the population in Egypt consists of large low-income families in rural areas where the rate of illiteracy is relatively high.
Tobacco Packaging in Egypt
Euromonitor International's Tobacco packaging in Egypt report offers insight into key trends and development driving packaging accross the category.
Egyptian Automotive Market
Know more about Egyptian automotive market, passenger cars, buses and trucks market.
Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship Strategy 2011 - 2014
Egypt is now recognized by international organizations as a global hub in offshoring and outsourcing.
Doing Business: An Independent Evaluation
Taking the Measure of the World Bank-IFC Doing Business Indicators.
Doing Business in Egypt - Egyptian social and business culture
The nation of Egypt developed as a unified kingdom in approximately 3200 BC.
A Practitioner's Guide for Social Entrepreneurs in Egypt and the Arab Region
Reflections and tips for anyone aspiring to start new development projects or social enterprises
The Cost of the Arab Spring
This report by Geopolicity identifies the major drivers of change in the ‘Arab Spring’ and the economic impact so far.
A Study on Remittances and Investment Opportunities For Egyptian Migrants
Migrant remittances from abroad are an important source for the Egyptian economy, and in 2008 represented 5.3% of the gross domestic product.
The Path to Growth: Experiences of Egyptian Entrepreneurs
The Path to Growth: Experiences of Egyptian Entrepreneurs brings together profiles of 9 Egyptian growth companies and the entrepreneurs behind them.
Facebook in Egypt
With almost 8.2 million users, Egypt is ranked as the 22nd worldwide in terms of audience size, and ranked as the 1st among MENA region countries.
Evaluation Report of Egypt - "Enabling Livelihoods, Nutrition and Food Security"
The overall aim of the CP is to strengthen capacity to reduce poverty, food insecurity and malnutrition in Egypt.
Middle East and North Africa: Economic Outlook and Key Challenges
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) analyzed the regional economic outlook and key challenges in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia.
Communicate with different personality styles
This module will help you understand the four dominant personality styles: driver, expresser, amiable, and analytical.
Dealing with difficult team members
People often contribute to team dysfunction without being aware of their negative behaviors in others.