Assessment of Brandnames Protection in Egypt
The aim of this study is to establish the impact of the infringement and privacy of trademarks to measure the public awareness of this subject.
Customer service - Attitudes for service
It sounds simple, but successful organizations recognize that customer satisfaction stems from a series of interconnected causes and disciplines.
Egypt Turkey Free Trade Agreement
Egypt Turkey Free Trade Agreement provides immediate access to the large Turkish market.
Agadir Agreement
The Agadir Declaration creates a free-trade zone between Egypt, Jordan, Tunisia and Morocco.
Egypt - Qualifying Industrial Zones (QIZ)
Egypt offers the added benefit of duty-free access to the US market of 300 million consumers.
Egypt-EFTA partnership
EFTA - Egypt Free Trade Agreement covers trade in industrial products and basic agricultural products.
Egypt-EU partnership
The EU-Egypt Association Agreement provides Egypt with preferential access to the EU market of 500 million consumers.
ERC Announces Consolidated Results for Second Quarter 2011
Egypt’s leading master developer reports small rise in revenues from Sawari property sales.
Global Competitiveness Index 2011
Latest Competitiveness ranking via the World Economic Forum. Egypt ranks number 94 among 142 countries.
Middle East / Africa Economic review - August 2011
Economic prospects have taken a downturn in the wake of a weaker US economic recovery, uncertainty about Euro-zone's stability & turmoil in MENA.
Consolidated Results for Second Quarter 2011 - Telecom Egypt
Results of Telecom Egypt for the second quarter of 2011. Financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Egyptian Accounting Standards.
Egypt in Transition - Congressional Research Service
Overview of the transition underway and information on U.S. foreign aid to Egypt.
Guide on Access To Finance
A translation of the professional finance language for small and medium enterprises, with the aim of securing the financing needed for growth.
Conflict - Maintaining Emotional Control
Maintaining emotional control when you deal with relationship conflicts is probably the most important step, and the most difficult.
Conflict as a Growth Opportunity
Conflict Resolution - Creates harmony in stressful interpersonal situations and brings people together who have been separated by their differences.
Communicating Across Generations
This module provides insights to help you honor, appreciate, and identify with different generations.
Being a Contributing Team Member
"Great teamwork is the only way we create the breakthroughs that define our careers." - Pat Riley
Balance work and life
Work-Life balance is a hot topic of converstaion among many employees.
Team Member Engagement - Avoid Burnout
When you are burned out, you don't see any hope of improvement. You don't want to get to that point.
Employee Engagement - Beyond Rules of Engagement
How can organizational leaders build a culture that supports high engagement?