Profiles on Sisi's new Cabinet
PM Ibrahim Mehleb announced the new set of ministers last week - get to know the people that got appointed in key positions in this free report.
Egypt's Digital Economy: From Planning to Execution
The Ministry for Communication and Information Technology recently launched a plan on Egypt’s Digital Economy at the American Chamber of Commerce.
Egypt's ICT Profile 2014 - The Good, the Bad, the Worrisome
Where do Egypt's strengths, weaknesses and worry-zones lie in the Information and Communication Technology sector?
What cars do Egyptians buy?
Crowded streets tend to convey that Egyptians actively buy cars - but which brands are most popular?
Where does Egypt stand? Rankings 2013/2014
Download Egypt Rankings' first free comprehensive annual review of Egypt's scores in several fields, such as competitiveness, innovation etc.
Egypt in 2014: The Macroeconomic Outlook
Dcode EFC conducted an online survey on the survey participants’ expectations of Egypt’s economic outlook – here are the results.
Egypt Trade Map: which exports will grow?
Which export sectors have the potential for growth in Egypt? Get the latest insights via MIT's and Harvard's Atlas of Economic Complexity.
Egypt's Public Diplomacy and Investment
Egypt's national image needs to be polished and modified, if the country wants to attract investment.
Why stay economically engaged in Egypt?
Investors have been hesitant in terms of investing in Egypt, but there are reasons why they should bullish.
Egypt's Public Diplomacy Policies
What do Tourism Minister Zazou, Former Foreign Minister Al Orabi & Strategic Expert Seif El Yazal have to say about Egypt's image abroad?
The Future of Egypt's Internet Economy
Rumor has it that the Internet boomed in Egypt after the 25th of January 2011 - but is that where the future of Egypt's economy lies?
Egypt's Public Diplomacy and Global Perception
Find out how the national plan for Public Diplomacy should unfold, and how to influence global perception.
Egypt's Public Diplomacy and Trade Growth
Egypt's national image needs to be polished and modified, if the country wants to enhance its trade balance.
Egypt's BOP: What money went where?
Gulf aid, FDI, oil trade, tourism, private transfers – find out which money flowed into Egypt in Q1 2013/2014.
Egypt's Public Diplomacy and Communications
Find out what the private sector can do for Egypt's national image in terms of marketing and communications.
Egypt's economic data for November 2013
Have a look at Egypt’s latest statistics and economic indicators in the Ministry of Finance’s Financial Monthly for November 2013.
Egypt and its water problems
Current projections show that by 2025, water supply in the Arab region will be only 15% of what it was in 1960, according to the United Nations.
Egypt's ICT: Facts and Figures
Egypt has a mobile penetration of 115%, while the internet’s contribution to the country’s GDP lies at 1% - read more in our report.
Egypt's Industrial Real Estate
Missed the 9th Money and Finance Conference? Download all you need to know about Egypt’s industrial real estate challenges and opportunities.
Egypt's Economic Development Strategies 2013
Everything you missed about Egypt’s economic development strategies at the Money and Finance Conference 2013 – download the free report here.