The Wealth Report 2012
The Wealth Report 2012 gives a global perspective on prime property and wealth, and implies that the Egyptian nationality is one to watch.
Global AdView Pulse: Ad spending in Q1/2012
The world has witnessed interesting trends in the advertising sector - and Nielsen puts these into numbers, statistics and perspective.
Tweeting in Ramadan
When are the best times for companies to engage on Twitter during Ramadan?
Why don't banks lend to Egypt's private sector?
The World Bank's Economic Policy, Poverty and Gender council released a report about what stops banks from helping the private sector in Egypt.
How to promote open innovation in Egypt
The 2012 AUC Research Conference for Entrepreneurship and Innovation: Shaping the Future of Egypt, offers solutions.
Connecting to Compete: Trade Logistics in the Global Economy
The World Bank's newest Trade Logistics Report, where Egypt is placed number 57 worldwide, up from number 92 in 2010 and 97 in 2007.
The path to a successful economic transition in Egypt
When talking about the economy, it is not about "What would Jesus do?", but "What would the United States do?".
Tax laws on corporate income and gains in Egypt
Egyptian tax laws are subject to change frequently, and this is the latest version of laws available.
Water Reuse in the Arab World: From Principle to Practice
A summary of the findings of the Expert Consultation Meeting on Wastewater Management in the Arab World, convened in Dubai in May 2011.
Clean Energy Development in Egypt: Opportunities and Challenges
This report reviews the opportunities and challenges involved in improving energy efficiency and developing renewable energy resources in Egypt.
Snacking in Egypt: The Consumer Statistics
Consumers in Egypt spent close to 8 billion Egyptian Pounds on salty snacks, sweets and other treats last year.
"Bread, Dignity and Social Justice": The Political Economy of Egypt's Transition
The cross-class, cross-ideology coalition that united behind the Jan25 uprising has predictably fragmented, affecting economic guidelines.
The 30-Day Simplicity Challenge - How to simplify your life
Mohamed Tohami, bestselling author & motivational speaker, helps unfulfilled professionals connect their passion to a profitable path.
IFAD in Egypt - The facts
Empowering rural poor people to improve their lives beyond the length of projects is at the heart of IFAD’s work.
The Wealth Report 2012 - Egyptian Nationality is one to watch
Economic growth alone is not enough to create cities considered genuinely important by the world’s wealthiest people.
Egypt's strengths as an outsourcing destination
This paper by the Information Technology Industry Development Agency explains why Egypt is a perfect outsourcing destination.
Chinese Investments and Employment Creation in Algeria and Egypt
North African industry has experienced the fallout associated with Chinese competitiveness in manufacturing within their domestic market.
News Parody and Social Media: The Rise of Egypt's Fifth Estate
The term social media is intended to contrast the centralized mass media with the decentralized media of Twitter, Facebook and the like.
Education in Egypt
Making Egypt’s education system more effective and more equitable will be of critical importance to the success of Egypt’s transition.
Egypt's Economy in the Transitional Period
A paper focusing on aspects of Egypt’s economic policy in the transitional period, paying particular attention to social justice and job creation.