Global Innovation Index 2013
Egypt ranked 108 of 142 countries in the Global Innovation Index 2013, dropping 5 places compared to last year.
Africa Attractiveness Report 2013
Ernst and Young stated that Egypt is the second most attractive country in Africa for foreign direct investment since 2003.
Global Travel Intentions Study 2013
Africans and people from the Middle East prefer Egypt as a travel destination. Egypt is closely followed by Turkey (16%) and France (12%).
16th Annual Global CEO Survey
How are CEOs around the globe dealing with disruption and adapting to survive and thrive?
4% of GDP lost due to traffic congestion in Cairo
The economic costs of traffic congestion in Cairo could be as high as 4 percent of GDP yearly - what are possible solutions?
The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report
Egypt ranked last place in the Tourism safety index and has not been a primary location this year.
Egypt's Prosperity 2012
Egypt ranked 106 out of 142 countries in the Legatum Prosperity Index 2012 - download the free country profile here for more details.
Women and the Web: Bridging the Internet Gap
Intel's report on bridging the Internet gap and creating new global opportunities in low and middle-income countries.
Global Economic Prospects 2013
The World Bank's report on Global Economic Prospects for 2013, including a special chapter about the Middle East.
The Learning Curve by Pearson Education
The aim of the report is identifying key factors that drive improved educational outcomes and guide teachers and policy makers.
Successful B2B-marketing in the Middle East
A guide to what works and the barriers to success in one of the fastest growing communications markets in the world.
Financial Times' wrap-up of Egypt 2012
The Financial Times releases a report on Egypt, summarizing everything that has been going on in the past year.
Walking a tightrope: MidEast Freedom of Expression
Heinrich Boell Stiftung releases a report analyzing the current situation of news media and freedom of expression in the Middle East.
Paying Taxes 2013
Tax regimes change rapidly all over the world, and the World Bank's Report 'Paying Taxes 2013' sums up what needs to be known.
Global Dynamism Index 2012: Where is Egypt?
Egypt is the fourth worst country to do business in - and it is about time to find out why and how to fix that.
Egypt's 2012 Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) Agenda
The Middle East Council for Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship (MCSBE) organized this year’s Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) 2012 in Egypt.
eMarketing insights: Facebook in Egypt
eMarketing Egypt releases a report with the country's most important Facebook figures and how to use them for online marketing.
Egypt's history with US-Relations - The American view
How does the American Congress view Egypt, as it provides the latter with constant military and economic assistance?
The Global Competitiveness Report 2012 - 2013
The World Economic Forum report states that governmental and political instability are the most problematic factors for doing business in Egypt.
Arab Social Media Report
An Analysis of the social media movement and its effects in the Arab World, conducted by the Dubai School of Government.