Egyptian-African trade workshop
N Gage consulting is organizing a workshop on trade and investment in the context of the African Tripartite Free Trade Agreement. It is part of N Gage Debates workshops.
Egypt-Africa trade relations
N-Gage consulting issued a report that highlights Egypt's trade relations with Africa in the light of the Tripartite Free Trade Agreement.
Five leaders in enterprise mobility
Enterprise Mobility Exchange's latest cross-industry analysis identifies the early adopters of mobile strategy.
Egypt's "Last-minute" Budget
In this comprehensive report N Gage consulting analyses Egypt's 2015/2016 budget and evaluates last year's performance.
Developments around Egypt's ports and Suez Canal
The paper highlights and analyses the importance of the most significant mega projects currently underway around Egypt's ports and Suez Canal.
The road to African integration:Tripartite Free Trade Area
An overview of of the TFTA agreement including historical background, foundations for the agreement and economic potential of its members.
60 days after Sharm El-Sheikh
An outlook on economic reforms a bit after 60 days since the economic summit.
Doing Business 2015: Going Beyond Efficiency
Egypt ranks 112 out of 189 countries on ease of doing business.
Above The State: Multinational Corporations In Egypt
ECESR released a report about the framework of operation of MNCs in Egypt. Does it leave MNCs above the state?
Egypt's top 50 companies online
Do not miss your free sample report about the online performance of Egypt's top 50 companies.
Egypt's financial situation at the end of 2014
The Ministry of Finance's monthly wrap-up gives an account of everything that shapes Egypt's financial landscape.
Prosperity, Freedom and Social Equality through the Digital Economy
The ministry's plan to provide prosperity, freedom and social equity for all via Egypt's Digital Economy.
Egypt, MENA, and Subsidies: Whereto?
Egypt spends seven times more on fuel subsidies than on health, whereas the amount of fuel subsidies going to the richest quintile lies at 60%.
Subsidies and the Construction Industry
The Cement and Steel Industry are under threat due to the government’s plans to reduce subsidies on energy-consuming industries.
The increasing demand on Egypt’s food industry
The food retail business is the country’s second largest business (almost USD 20 billion) after the textile industry – find out more in this download.
What about Egypt's Paper Industry?
Though Egypt is not a big market in paper production, the global trade studies estimate that the local business revenue is around USD 1.4 billion.
Egypt's 15 Richest Men
The report describes the success stories of Sawiris, Sewedy, Mansour, Sharbatly and several others. Download the free PDF-file to find out who else is there.
Egypt & Energy: What's the plan?
It is no secret: Egypt is facing an energy-crisis - have a look at the most important numbers and possible solutions.
The story behind Egypt's BOP improvement
Egypt's current, capital and financial accounts have improved July - March 2013/2014. Find out what money went where.
Who are Egypt's street vendors?
This study provides an overview of who Egypt's street vendors are, what characteristics they carry and what they aspire to.